To configure your restaurant delivery date & time, navigate to Dashboard > WooRestaurant > Delivery Date Time > General
- Enable: Enable the Delivery date time feature for your WooCommerce store by checking this checkbox.
- Delivery Types: Select from various delivery options (e.g., delivery, pickup, dine-in) by checking the corresponding checkboxes.
- Default Delivery Type: Choose the default delivery method (e.g., none, delivery, pickup) by checking the appropriate checkboxes.
- Enable Preorder: Activate this checkbox to allow customers to place orders even during store closing hours.
- Preorder Days: Specify the number of days in advance customers can schedule a delivery or pickup.
- Fields Position: Use this dropdown to determine where the date and time fields will appear on the checkout page.
- Enable Store Notice: Check this box to display a notice when the store is closed.